How to find Designer Shoes for Men and Women


A quality foot wear is a basic necessity that you need throughout your life. While buying best shoes or best sandals for women, you need to check some of the basic requirements such as a perfect fit including right size and width and also if quality material is used or not in every layer of the shoes. The shoes need to be comfortable throughout the time you wear them. The pair of shoes, you are going to buy, also should look unique before your friends and relatives giving you a ‘feel good’ feeling. The best leather shoes brands for men and women look fabulous and stunning in any gathering. Here are some guidelines which can help you in selecting designer shoes or sandals:

  1. Leather Designer Shoes: Best leather designer shoes for men and women do not come cheap. You have to invest good money and no doubt it is worth the money spent but a bad fit can spoil all the excitement and pleasure that you should have after buying such expensive shoes. Be sure that the leather used is of good quality and every layer is stitched properly and not glued. Make sure that the shoes have good shine. They should fit properly in terms of length and width. If you are buying with heels, it should support you firmly. 
  2. Branded Shoes: If you are buying a particular brand regularly then it may not is a problem but trying a new brand needs to be checked not only fit wise but the design and material used in the shoes also should complement the brand. Don’t go only after brand when it comes to fitting and comfort. For example best sandals for women available in the store you are visiting, may not fit you and you buy them only due to the brand. Buying bigger or smaller shoes than the required size will create problems when you wear them. 
  3. Take Your Time: Give ample time to yourself while buying shoes.  Check the shoes from each and every dimension. It is important to check the seams of the shoes as sometimes they can hurt the feet. Also check the lining that should go up to the end of the sole. In order to cut the cost, many manufacturers do not provide full sole at the ends which results in the exposed bulges, seams, and edges. Check if most parts of the shoes are thoroughly stitched and the seams are not visible.
  4. Flexibility: Along with checking the size, also give attention to the flexibility of the shoes which generally comes from softness of the leather. No doubt, the contribution of sole quality also contributes to the flexibility of shoes, and the soft leather offers extra comfort to your feet while walking. Don’t get confused between inner padding and flexibility of the sole. While checking the shoes, have a bending test also.

These are some of the basics that you must check while buying best leather shoes brands for men and women. Heel and Buckle is one of the most trusted brands in the market and is known for its superior quality shoes and sandals. 


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